My Setup

I love customizing everything I use, and make it feel like my own. So no wonder I have spent more time learning config files rather than learning an actual programming language. Naturally I’m curious to see what setup others have and if I find something interesting, I steal the idea and use it. I’m sure other people are curious about my setup too, so I’ll make it easier for anyone to replicate my setup here.
I’ll just add my setup here and the exact configs can be found in my dotfiles repo here

OS : Macos I don’t like any apple product, except for the mac, It just makes sense for software development and programming. ( Iphones are costly and useless )
Keyboard : Dvorak I use the dvorak layout which makes so much more sense than qwerty. I don’t have pain after typing so long. Switching cost is around 3-4 months of 20 wpm. But once you are past it it’s a breeze. Don’t worry about vim bindings. That is just another 1 month of 20 wpm in vim 8^D
Terminal Emulator : kitty I used to use iterm 2, and it used to work fine. But I wanted to try something different and ran a comparison with kitty and iterm2 and kitty was 5 times smoother, so Kitty it is. I have my own custom color scheme which incorporates a lot of light orange and pink themes.
Multiplexer : tmux Tmux is really good for session management and makes sense once you have the keystrokes down. I have different keybindings setup for remote sessions and local sessions so that switching is conscious.
Shell : zsh with oh-my-zsh There’s nothing to say about this. zsh just works, but I want to try fish someday I have vim mode keybindings to iterate through commands.
zsh theme : af-magic Looks clean af and is fast to load. I might make my own theme someday.
Shell search : fzf and zoxide I only use fzf for file searches and don’t really like the reverse search. so fzf reverse search is mapped to ctrl+t and fzf search to ctrl + p zoxide lets you switch folders with fuzzy searches. Basically you can switch from anywhere to anywhere without having to type the full path. so useful.
Code Editor : Visual studio Code I was an avid user of Atom, but even though I’m a bit salty to accept it VS code has gotten really good.
Text Editor : Vim I don’t think of vim as an editor, more like a language. So I have vim everywhere it runs. A lot of customization and I even wrote my own vim theme bluemint
Programming Language : Elixir Elixir is just so much fun to write and runs really fast. ( See my other Elixir posts for why I love it )
Browser : Arc Arc changed the way I look at a browser even though my computer cannot take too many tabs in it anymore. Although I am trying to use arc search and that has’nt worked out too well for me
Notes : Obsidian + md + git I had all my notes as md files for ages, so it naturally makes sense to use obsidian.
references Management : zotero Recently started using this, and is the best tool for managing references and research papers.